Adamou Amadou is a land rights and environmental defender from Cameroon and the National President of the Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association (MBOSCUDA)
MBOSCUDA advocates for indigenous nomadic pastoral communities' land rights. He is also the Chair of Regional Platform 3 – Rangelands Initiative Africa and is a member of the International Land Coalition (ILC) Council. As a legal anthropologist at Leiden University, he researches Central African nomadic refugees in Cameroon.
Adamou has worked with organizations like Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) and has directed several documentary films, including "When Nomads Settle," "Ismaila," and "My Home is Where My Heart Is," as well as the wildlife documentary "Jungle Doctor" for Norwegian TV2. He holds a Master's degree in Visual Anthropology from the University of Tromsø and has studied law and political science at the University of Ngaoundéré in Cameroon.