Communications Officer for the Youth Initiative for land In Africa in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Fellow in the Followership programme of the International Land Coalition Edition 2023-2024
Miriane Kizimini is an influential and committed figure in the Democratic Republic of Congo and worldwide in the fields of communication, environmental advocacy and youth. She is a member of the Kinshasa/Gombe bar. Miriane Kizimini is a member of several organisations, platforms and youth and women's movements. She is convinced that the climate challenges facing the world today are caused by the fact that current world leaders were not made aware from an early age of the harmful consequences of human action on nature. She invests her time in educating young people and children about the need to protect ecosystems (as humans are also part of these ecosystems), is a climate ambassador, is passionate about restoring the land of local communities living on the outskirts of major cities, and is a campaigner for young people's participation in decision-making (by nomination or election) in order to prepare the younger generation for good governance.
She has been a youth representative at both national and international level on environmental and electoral issues. She has also worked with international organisations and NGOs. Several times youth representative: on the Steering Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture's future project with IFAD at the National Assembly, delegate of the National Youth CouncilYoung negotiator for the DRC at the UNCCD youth focal point of the national land coalition of the Democratic Republic of the Congo;One of the 25 young world leaders of the International Land Coalition, at the global forum on leadership in Thailand, Youth representative at consultations on the drafting of national land policy documents; President of the Kalamu Communal Youth Council, Kalamu Local Security Council, Kinshasa youth representative at provincial consultations on the drafting of DRC land policy documents: Consultant to the Institut Républicain International on the CEPPS programme, with support from USAID; Senior trainer at DRI; Monitoring and evaluation officer for RENOSEC, financed by the European Union Young U-repoter/Unicef Supervisor at the DRC Red Cross of the response project against COVID-19May 2024: Mentor for young girls in the humanitarian field, a SYFES programme as part of the multi-actor dialogue with the support of DIAKONIA/Swedish Embassy; Coordinator of the youth project between the communes of Kalamu and IXELLES in Belgium as part of the twinning of the two communes.