Empowering Women for Land Rights
The Stand for Her Land Campaign is dedicated to promoting and protecting the land rights of women across the globe. We recognize that secure land rights are crucial not only for individual empowerment but also for community resilience and environmental sustainability. By elevating the voices and stories of women landholders, we strive to create a world where women can thrive, contribute, and lead in the stewardship of their land.

The International Land Coalition (ILC) is proud to collaborate with a diverse range of member organisations that are committed to advancing land rights for women. Below are some of the organisations actively participating in the Stand for Her Land campaign by participating in country coalitions.
Our Partners in Action
The International Land Coalition (ILC) collaborates with both member and non-member organizations in Senegal, Colombia, Bangladesh, and Uganda, each dedicated to advancing women's land rights:
To create a women-led movement for sustained advocacy on women’s land rights that leads to opportunities for women to claim and exercise their land rights with guarantees for dignified permanence.
- Redistribution, access, training and land tenure
- Life free of violence
- Holding our partners accountable for their role in change
- Availability, access and conservation of natural common goods
- Food sovereignty and autonomy
Coordinator: Centro de Investigación y Educación Popular (Cinep/PPP)
Las Superpoderosas - Organizaciones de Población Desplazada, Étnicas y Campesinas de Montes de María (OPDS)
Asociación de Mujeres Campesinas de Colosó (AMUCOL)
Grupo por la Defensa de la Tierra y el Territorio en Córdoba (GTTC)
Red de Mujeres Rurales del Norte de Bolívar
Corporación Desarrollo Solidario (CDS)
Corporación Comunicación Rural Montes de María
To bridge the implementation gap between laws and policies on women's land rights in Uganda.
While there are several obstacles to the realization of women land rights in Uganda, this Campaign focuses on five priority issues:
- Transformation of discriminatory social and cultural norms preventing women from accessing, owning and controlling land
- Increase funding and capacity for land management and administration institutions to support WLRs
- Enhance awareness of the legal and regulatory frameworks on WLRs by rights holders, duty bearers, and community members
- Enhance access to land justice for women
- Strengthen participation, voice, and agency of grassroots women in land governance
Coordinator: Uganda Community-Based Association for Women and Children’s Welfare (UCOBAC)
To catalyze a sustained, locally-driven movement for women’s land rights and equip diverse stakeholders with the knowledge and resources to realize those rights in practice.
- Engaging youth and other marginalized groups
- Social norms and behavior change for women’s land rights
- Men as champions for rural women’s land rights
Coordinator: Pan-African Institute for Citizenship, Consumers and Development (CICODEV)
ActionAid Senegal
Association des Juristes Senegalaises (AJS)
Enda Pronat
Federation des Association Feminines du Senegal (FAFS)
Groupe d'Initiatives pour le Progrès Social/West Africa Region (GIPS/WAR)
Initiative Prospective Agricole et Rurale (IPAR)
Innovations Environnement Developpement (IED) Afrique
Réseau National des Femmes Rurales du Sénégal (RNFR)
Senegal National Council for Concertation and Rural Cooperation (CNCR)
Women in Law and Development in Africa (WILDAF) Senegal
To create the enabling environment needed to recognize and promote women’s land rights for women’s economic empowerment.
Key focus areas
- Women’s land rights for women’s economic empowerment
- Innovative solutions for social norms change and legal literacy around women’s land rights
- Land tenure as a tool for climate resilience
- Implementation of international norms related to land
Coordinator: Association for Land Reform and Development (ALRD)
Association for Realisation of Basic Needs (ARBAN)
Badabon Sangho
Beneficiary’s Friendship Forum (BFF)
Community Development Association (CDA)
Kapaeeng Foundation
Nagorik Uddyog (NU)
Speed Trust
Sundarban Adibasi Munda Sangastha (SAMS)

The Women's Land Rights (WLR) Platform
The Women's Land Rights (WLR) Platform is a dynamic online resource that empowers women globally to share their experiences and perspectives on land rights. It amplifies their voices, increases visibility, and fosters collaboration among stakeholders. By elevating grassroots women's stories, the platform serves as a powerful advocacy tool and facilitates movement building. Additionally, it maps organizations working across various sectors related to the WLR movement, promoting strategic cohesion and partnerships.

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