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Why land rights matter

Land -- our common ground -- lies at the heart of the greatest crises our world faces today. It’s also the key to solving them.

Unequal Land Distribution Divides

Equitable land rights are precursors to democratic societies, sustainable local food systems, and overcoming growing inequality – particularly gender inequality.

They are central to our most urgent global challenges: avoiding a catastrophic climate breakdown, extreme inequality, undemocratic societies and broken food systems.

Right now, too much land is controlled by too few to the detriment of the vast majority of people – and our planet's future.

This situation is unjust and unsustainable.

People-centred land governance unites

To fight for land rights is to fight for a fair future.

How we distribute land is a powerful expression of what our societies and economies stand for. It has long defined the gap between rich and poor.

Land dispossession is often a deliberate political choice. People-centred land governance, in contrast, lays the foundation for dramatically different societies.

Why? Because when land is governed by the people for the people we set the foundation for community‐led sustainable development. We also move away from destructive approaches to land, water and natural resources.

It’s good for the whole planet.

No Land Rights, No SDGs

Securing land rights is central to achieving 13 of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Find out why