We are in a climate emergency. Land rights is a way out.

As it stands more than 3.5 billion people will suffer the catastrophic consequences of the climate crisis.

We are no where close to limiting global warming to 1.5C. the hardest hit will be Indigenous Peoples', youth, family farmers, youth, and women.

Secure land rights are critical to tackling the climate crisis, not least because 42% of global land in good ecological condition belong to Indigenous Peoples and local communities.

By securing their land rights, we also protect the most important land-based carbon sinks, supporting their ability to invest in sustainable land use practises and adaption and mitigation efforts.

Find out more about land rights and climate

( PDF 2,4 Mio )

Watch: We're positioning Indigenous Peoples and local communities as ecosystem stewards

Our Impact On The Issue

Guljan (pastoralist Kyrgyzstan).JPG


Policies changed

Youth and climate change


Practises changed

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Platforms established

still not clear what this text is meant to be explaining because we go into solutions later on

any ideas, Roxy?

Are we explaining the statistics above, if so what does the read more button do below?

Behind the headlines

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ILC Learning Hub

#Mongolia #Kyrgyzstan #JASIL #Les écosystèmes #Politique foncière et dialogue multipartite #KYRGYZ JAYITY #Asia

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ILC Learning Hub

#Asia #Les écosystèmes #1. Sécurisation des droits fonciers #6. GESTION LOCALE DES ÉCOSYSTÈMES #8. TRANSPARENCE ET L’ACCESSIBILITÉ DE L’INFORMATION

Tackling the issue

The consequences of the climate crisis will be felt most by the most vulnerable: rural dwellers, small-scale producers, people who live in or close to poverty, and marginalised communities. Yet these groups — ILC’s core constituents — are already developing many skills and practices which the wider global community should support and learn from, in terms of emissions reduction, adaptation to climate change, and mitigation of its effects.


indonesia family farming 2




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More resources from the Learning Hub

Learning is central to ILC as an alliance of peers who work together under a set of common commitments to people-centred land governance. Learning supports ILC wider efforts of shifting power into the hands of people whose lives depend on land: opportunities need to work for people’s organisations, women and youth, and be experiential as much as possible. Learning is also a means to building and sustaining diverse partnerships.

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Food systems


What we do


The International Land Coalition is proud to announce its partnership with the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

The Decade launched June 5th on World Environment Day and will run until 2030, just in time for the deadline of the Sustainable Development Goals. It aims to prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems on every continent and in every ocean. 

As a supporting partner, we’re committed to ensuring that the voices of local communities and indigenous peoples are given a platform to share with the world their community-led restoration initiatives - agro-ecological practices, community-led forest and rangelands management.

More often than not, these sustainable practices are not recognised and hardly taken into account in policy and regulation. 


This action plan is a living document by the UN Decade partner network to collectively work towards the goals and vision of this UN Decade. Moving from strategy to action, this plan allows all existing and new partners to mobilize around key priority areas for restoration – including Restoration Challenge 5 – which focuses on actions to restore and secure land and resource rights to indigenous peoples and local communities and recognise them as stewards of ecosystem restoration.

( PDF 2,0 Mio )
“ILC members are in the frontline of protecting the ecosystems upon which they depend. Recognising their tenure rights significantly reduces levels of deforestation. It’s a win for the planet, but it’s also simply the right thing to do - it’s their land.” - Annalisa Mauro, Network and Operations Coordinator, ILC.

Watch the launch event

ILC hosted a launch event on June 2nd to look at how securing land rights of local communities and indigenous peoples will help achieve the Decade’s goal of healing the planet in 10 years. Community and indigenous peoples’ representatives shared their stories, and current data on the risks community and indigenous land and environmental defenders are faced with. 

Which planet do you want to live on?