practices changed
people with secure tenure
women in steering committee
youth in steering committee

In an agricuture-dominated economy, major problems in Togo's land governance structures and implementation is a key issue.
At the time of its independence, the Togolese state established technical and legal structures and standards to ensure effective land management. Despite these, the aspirations of many Togolese who dream of a house or a farm are disappointed by the challenges of acquiring and securing land rights.
Challenges abound, including instances of land being sold multiple times, the acquisition of administrative reserves, duplicate property registrations, and even unlawful transactions involving rural land. These issues stem from various factors, such as fragmented information across different institutions, a lack of coordination among stakeholders, and widespread unfamiliarity with the laws and procedures governing land tenure.
Based on these observations, the Ministry of Urban Planning, Housing, and the Living Environment was assigned the task of establishing a land and state land code in a participatory manner ccepted by all. This draft land code, adopted by the Council of Ministers on 7 March 2018, is under consideration by the National Assembly for adoption.