What we do
Giving ILC members the opportunity to host Master's students and young researchers from within the network!
ILC has partnered with Sheffield Institute for International Development - University of Sheffield and LANDac - The Netherlands Land Academy and its academic partners.
Why apply?
The internship programme:
- Provides ILC members with institutional strengthening: interns contribute to the work of host organisations by performing support tasks in line with hosts’ priorities and needs;
- Supports and makes land governance-related research available, on topics that are co-defined by host institutions and the interns;
- Accompanies host institutions in documenting their good practices and success stories.
Who can apply?
The call is open to all members, in particular from the regions and those actively engaged in NES and CBI platforms. The University and ILC will assess host proposals on the basis of their suitability for the Masters programme.
Interns are self-funded. Host organisations will facilitate the hosting to the best of their ability by providing logistical support and advice on accommodation.
ILC issues calls for applications in different moments, depending on the academic schedule of partners:
Students spend from 4 to 6 months with the host, any time of the year
Applications are received on a rolling basis throughout the year
Students spend 3 months with the host, between February and May
Applications are received usually by mid September
Students spend from 6 to 8 weeks with the host, between June and July
Applications are received usually by mid November