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Policies changed



Practises changed



Advocacy spaces

We are in a climate emergency. Land rights is a way out.

40% of global land area is considered degraded.

Each day we lose more biodiversity, and our ecosystems decline, making our planet even more susceptible to rising temperatures and extreme climate events. These, in turn, further undermine remaining natural carbon sinks – the vast forests, wetlands and grasslands that the 2.5 billion people who live on and from the land call home. 

Because land is at the centre of the climate crisis, many of the solutions to it lie in how land is governed and managed.

As stands, large-scale industrial agriculture is responsible for between 25-30% of global emissions. The industry drives biodiversity loss, destroys carbon sinks, and exacerbates food insecurity.  Land-based ecosystems are further deteriorated by resource and mineral extraction, ranging from fossil fuels to the extraction of “green transition” minerals.

At least 55% of transition minerals -- critical for reaching a net zero economy -- are projected to be on or near Indigenous Peoples' lands and territories. They are often extracted without Free Prior and Informed Consent or equitable benefit sharing, reproducing existing patterns of injustice often associated with other forms of resource extraction. We have to be careful that in our fight against the climate crisis we do not further undermine peoples' livelihoods and erode communities' connections to land and nature.

Both industrial agriculture and the top-down energy transition destroy local livelihoods and erode communities' connections to land and nature. 

Another world is possible.

Evidence shows that with secure land rights, people who live on and from the land are in a position to uphold traditional knowledge and customary land use and governance practices, including promoting community-based restoration practices and protecting critical carbon sinks.


Discover how ILC members and partners are working together with communities to support our planet through land reform processes around the world


A 3-pillar approach

land tenure rights for protecting biodiversity and reversing land degradation -

ILC promotes land rights as a critical cornerstone for community based conservation and restoration initiatives, while being a defense against top down initiatives that undermine land rights, prevent traditional land use practices or lead to land evictions.

land tenure rights as a climate solution

ILC's climate-focused work ensures solutions to fighting climate change are just and equitable and do not undermine the rights of those living off the land. In particular, our work promotes land rights as a basis for carbon and biodiversity markets and other financing initiatives, while highlighting the need to protect land rights in the context of the green energy transition.

land tenure rights for sustainable food systems

ILC works on securing land tenure rights of smallholders, family farmers, pastoralists and other mobile communities highlighting their contribution to reversing land degradation, promoting sustainable land use practices, guaranteeing food security and fighting the climate crisis.

Find out more about land rights, climate, & biodiversity

( PDF 3.2 MB )

pastoralists save their ecosystem in Kyrgyzstan

"If you treat your land as a mother with respect, then good will come from this land" - Aigul Aidarbekova, woman pastoralist

Tackling the issue

91% of Indigenous Peoples' and local communities' lands and territories are in good or moderate ecological condition. And so as we come together to restore the world’s ecosystems, they already have the solutions that can safeguard the wellbeing of both people and the planet. Explore ways ILC members are working to locally manage their ecosystems, protecting their territories and the world's biodiviersity.

Locally managed ecosystems

#ALRD #LANDESA #GLTN #LAND PORTAL #Locally Managed Ecosystems #Women's Land Rights #Bangladesh #4. Equal Land Rights for Women #6. Locally managed ecosystems

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#6. Locally managed ecosystems #Kyrgyzstan

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#Latin America & the Caribbean #National Land Coalitions #Locally Managed Ecosystems #Indigenous Peoples #Biodiversity & Conservation #6. Locally managed ecosystems #Ecuador #ECOLEX

Photo Essay

Looking after lagoons in Ecuador

2 December 2022

Read More
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ILC Learning Hub

#Project design and implementation support #Establishment and strengthening of local institutions #Youth #Locally Managed Ecosystems #Guatemala #Kyrgyzstan #RDF #Indigenous Peoples #KYRGYZ JAYITY #UVOC

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ILC Asia

#Asia #Youth #Climate Crisis #6. Locally managed ecosystems #7. Inclusive decision-making #Advocacy & Campaigns

ILC Asia

#Asia #Bangladesh #1. Secure tenure rights #Maldives #4. Equal Land Rights for Women #India #Advocacy & Campaigns

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#LUNA CRECIENTE #Latin America & the Caribbean #Indigenous Peoples #5. Secure territorial rights for indigenous peoples

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ILC Learning Hub

#WRI #Locally Managed Ecosystems #1. Secure tenure rights #3. Diverse tenure systems #6. Locally managed ecosystems #9. Effective actions against land grabbing #Briefs

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ILC Learning Hub

#Briefs #6. Locally managed ecosystems #Locally Managed Ecosystems #Global #3. Diverse tenure systems #5. Secure territorial rights for indigenous peoples #Indigenous Peoples

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ILC Learning Hub

#Asia #Locally Managed Ecosystems #EFT #India

ILC Learning Hub

#Jordan #2. Strong small-scale farming systems #3. Diverse tenure systems #Research and training #Water management #Locally Managed Ecosystems #Europe, Middle East & North Africa

ILC Learning Hub

#Locally Managed Ecosystems #Indigenous Peoples #Land policy and multi-stakeholder dialogue #Project design and implementation support #Toolkits

ILC Learning Hub

#Latin America & the Caribbean #ECOLEX #Ecuador #Locally Managed Ecosystems #Establishment and strengthening of local institutions #5. Secure territorial rights for indigenous peoples #6. Locally managed ecosystems #7. Inclusive decision-making #Mapping and land registration #Land policy and multi-stakeholder dialogue

ILC Learning Hub

#Africa #Locally Managed Ecosystems #Uganda #Application of laws, guidelines & standards #2. Strong small-scale farming systems #4. Equal Land Rights for Women #Land conflict resolution #6. Locally managed ecosystems #Mapping and land registration

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ILC Learning Hub

#Europe, Middle East & North Africa #Locally Managed Ecosystems #Application of laws, guidelines & standards #2. Strong small-scale farming systems #3. Diverse tenure systems #6. Locally managed ecosystems #Land policy and multi-stakeholder dialogue #Advocacy & Campaigns #Advocacy & campaigning #NAPFO

ILC Learning Hub

#Latin America & the Caribbean #6. Locally managed ecosystems #Land conflict resolution #Land policy and multi-stakeholder dialogue #7. Inclusive decision-making #9. Effective actions against land grabbing #Establishment and strengthening of local institutions #Extractive industries #Locally Managed Ecosystems #Biodiversity & Conservation #Ecuador

Land Rights At Cop27

Meet our COP27 land rights champions and find out how we promoted land rights at the biggest climate summit of 2022.


Land Rights At Cop28

Meet our COP28 land rights champions and find out how we promoted land rights at the biggest climate summit of 2023.