How can I apply for an internship with the ILC?

  1. Register on IFAD’s Applicants Portal,
  2. create your online Personal History Form (PHF),
  3. click on apply for the internship program,

download a copy of the PHF in pdf format and submit via email to info@landcoalition.org - specify INTERNSHIP in the subject line

Does ILC solicit funds for travel support, registration, etc.


  • Never charges registration fees for conferences or meetings.
  • Does not conduct lotteries, or other gambling schemes through e-mail.
  • Never asks for money for recruitment, travel support, etc.

Some phishing scam emails are made to look like they originate from ILC and may contain official looking logo, stationary, name, etc. Please beware and report any suspicious e-mail or Web site to info@landcoalition.org

What is the ILC’s Database of Good Practices? How can I participate?

The Database of Good Practices is a dedicated space where ILC members and partners can share experiences with, and learn from other organisations. Good practices provide concrete examples and guidance on how to achieve each of the ILC’s 10 commitments for people-centred land governance. Good practices explain the processes, tools, methodologies, and strategies put in place by ILC members and partners.

For more information on the Database and how to contribute, please see the Database of Good Practices page in our Learning Hub.

Why does the ILC include inter-governmental organisations, including World Bank, in its membership, despite at times being criticised for their approach to land rights?

ILC was established in 1996 as a Coalition of civil society and intergovernmental organisations in the fight against hunger and poverty. World Bank, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), World Food Programme (WFP), and the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) were among the founding members.

ILC remains to this day a platform which aims for a change within the system by bringing together very different types of organisations in a common struggle to secure land rights. This is such a big task that it needs broad partnerships. This does not mean ILC members always agree with each other. They work together in as far as they find common ground. ILC also acts as a platform for members to challenge each other over their differences.

What do I need to be eligible for an internship with the ILC?

  1. Be a national of one of IFAD’s member states,
  2. be 30 years of age or younger,
  3. be enrolled in an accredited university at the undergraduate or postgraduate level within the last 12 months.
How is the ILC funded?

Support for the work of ILC is generated in part from annual membership fees and in cash or in kind contributions from ILC’s 250+ members.

Additionally, ILC receives support from our Strategic Partners:

  • European Commission
  • Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
  • The International Fund for Agricultural Development
  • Irish Aid
  • The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
  • The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
What is ILC’s Gender Policy?

Gender Justice is a core value for ILC. ILC aims at promoting a gender just and gender transformative approach to land rights, as it is necessary to achieve people-centered land governance.

ILC refers to Gender Justice as a situation where, de facto and de jure, being a woman or a man does not affect enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights; differential impact of policies and laws is taken into account; and balance and proportionality in participation and decision making are in place.

ILC Gender Policy includes a Gender Action Plan, which is the result of 2017 ILC Gender Audit.

This includes awareness raising and dedicated support to members who want to increase their knowledge, share experiences, and become more gender just.

ILC condemns any form of sexual harassment, gender discrimination and gender-based violence (including verbal). While members deal with any case internally and according to their own organisational policies, ILC as network commits to ensure that any sexual harassment, gender discrimination, and gender-based violence case occurring among member representatives is quickly and effectively addressed.

How can the SDGs be used to promote and protect land rights?

There are seven main ways to approach land rights using the SDGs:

  1. Learn more about the land-related SDG targets, you can read this publication from ILC.
  2. Think about: Does your government have an SDG action plan? If there is a plan, does it include how to implement and measure the progress of land targets of the SDGs? If not, lobby for it and ensure that the government works with various civil society organisations (CSOs) when drafting it.
  3. Increase pressure on your government to report on their SDG commitments at least once every five years at the SDG High Level Political Forum.
  4. Engage in civil society spotlight reporting on the implementation of SDGs in your country and report on the land targets. ILC has developed a methodology to assist CSOs to report on progress of land targets.
  5. In order to measure your country’s level of progress, capture data, success stories, and challenges in SDG implementation. It is extremely important that progress measurements go beyond UN and governmental data to ensure a more complete picture.
  6. Think about: What needs to change? Build coalitions with local, regional, and international partners with defined strategies for bringing about desired changes and build collective voices with your partners to make sure your campaigns are impactful.
  7. Make sure when you report that you cover non-mainstream communities in your country, such as indigenous peoples and pastoralists. Gather and share their stories to make sure that no one is left behind.
How do I use ILC's logo?

Our logo is at the core of ILC’s visual identity, and is the most tangible representation of our network, our members, our mission and our values to the outside world.

Wherever the ILC logo is used by a member on a document produced in the context of ILC operations and for member-led platforms, the following text should accompany the logo:

"The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and the individuals interviewed for this report. They do not constitute official positions, strategies or opinions of ILC, its wider membership or donors."

Fore more information, please refer to our Brand and Visual Identity Guidelines