Annual Reports & Independent Reviews
Take an inside look into the activities and achievements of ILC with our Annual Reports and external reviews. In them, you'll read about the impact and progress that's been made to securing land rights across the globe, with inspiring examples from our members. No report can ever do justice to all the work of the Coalition, but we hope it gives a good picture of what can be done - together.
Triennial Report
Land rights and resilience: stories from our network is a testament to the strength of our members and partners around the world and the impact they’re having in their communities and beyond.
Annual Report
2023 was a year to highlight the expertise and success of youth, women, family farmers, pastoralists and Indigenous Peoples. Our network wove stories, crafted campaigns, and built movements to ensure that people who live on and from the land were heard the loudest – especially in decision-making spaces – and that they remained in control of the territories and resources they depend on for survival.
Annual Report
2022 has been a pivotal year for our network, as we jumped into our 2030 Strategy and were finally able to meet in person - after almost four years(!) - at the Dead Sea in Jordan for the GLOBAL LAND FORUM.
Independent Reviews
A moment of reflection and in-depth analysis, where experts help us assess and measure progress towards expected results and provide recommendations to make small adjustments along the way. Because, there's always room for improvement.
2022-24 Evaluation
An independent assessment of the performance of the International Land Coalition (ILC) triennial cycle (2022-24), and the support provided by the EU and Switzerland. The evaluation pays particular attention to key lessons learned, conclusions and related recommendations to improve current and future interventions, including, for example, the development of ILC’s triennial plan for 2025 – 2027.
Summary report
Full report
2024 Network Vibrancy Survey
Key findings from the independent evaluation of ILC's network dynamics
Keystone Partner Survey
2016-2021 Impact Assessment
Key findings from the Independent Evaluation of ILC's 2016-21 Strategy and ILC's Management Response
Keystone Accountability
Membership Surveys
ILC is committed to growing and learning so we can become better and more effective supporters of the work that our members do! As part of our efforts, we run a network-wide survey approximately every 3 years.