On April 25-27, an international delegation of young leaders from the International Land Coalition (ILC), the Confederation of Family Farmers' Organizations of the Greater Mercosur (COPROFAM) and the World Rural Forum (WRF), met in Brasilia on the occasion of the 4th National Rural Youth Festival "Rural Youth, Sowing Resistance and Cultivating a New World!". The festival was coordinated by the Confederation of Rural Workers and Family Farmers (CONTAG) and the Trade Union Movement of Rural Workers (MSTTR).
The following Declaration of Solidarity was developed jointly to promote actions for the defense of rural youth, with special attention to guaranteeing their land rights and strengthening family farming.
We, young representatives of family farmers’, farmers’ and indigenous organizations and land rights advocates, with the support and facilitation of the International Land Coalition (ILC), the Confederation of Family Farmers' Organizations of the Greater Mercosur (COPROFAM) and the World Rural Forum (WRF), met in Brasilia from April 25 to 27, 2023, on the occasion of the 4th National Rural Youth Festival "Rural Youth, Sowing Resistance and Cultivating a New World!". The festival is coordinated by the Confederation of Rural Workers and Family Farmers (CONTAG) and the Trade Union Movement of Rural Workers (MSTTR).
As members of the international delegation participating in the Festival, we unite our voices from different countries in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Europe, North America, Latin America and the Caribbean to express our common priorities, as well as our support and solidarity with the thousands of rural youth who have gathered for this important festival. We greet and congratulate our Brazilian sisters and brothers for their achievements and presence, demonstrating the collective power, passion and struggle of the rural youth to generate solutions to the challenges related to rural development, family farming, access to land and other resources, sustainable food production, the climate crisis, democratic decision-making and the generation and implementation of specific public policies for rural youth.