The International Land Coalition extends its unwavering support to its members caught up in the horrendous violence of the Israel-Palestine conflict:
The Arab Centre of Agriculture Development ACAD, the Agriculture Development Association PARC, The Palestinian Farmers Union PFU and SHARAKA.
ILC members come together with a vision of a just, equitable and sustainable world, based on securing the rights and shifting power to the women, men and communities who live on and from the land. And while our collective vision of equity and justice crumbles in the face of the current violence and destruction, it is not the time to remain silent.
We are not only outraged by the tragic loss of lives on both sides – we firmly stand in rejection of violence and terrorism of any kind and emphasise the urgent need for the international community to ensure international humanitarian law is respected and upheld.
And while a long history of suffocating occupation, denying Palestinians their rights – and thus their dignity – is at the root of the protracted crisis in Palestine, it is imperative that we collectively rally to protect innocent human lives and ensure that peace is restored.
We especially consider the future of the youth in Palestine, a large delegation of whom inspired us all last year at the Dead Sea Global Land Forum. The current injustices will reverberate for generations, while undoing years of work done by our members for people-centred land governance.
We unite in solidarity with our members for a free Palestine, and call for an immediate ceasefire and provision of humanitarian assistance to those in need, without discrimination.
We unite in solidarity with our members for a free Palestine, and call for an immediate ceasefire and provision of humanitarian assistance to those in need, without discrimination.
The dramatic situation faced by our members calls for both immediate and long-term support.
If you are in the capacity to assist in any way, please contact the ILC Secretariat, or ILC member organisations in Palestine directly.

16 May 2022
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Global Land Forum concludes with adoption of Dead Sea Declaration
27 May 2022
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