Member since: 2018
Working towards these commitments
Secure Tenure Rights
Equal land rights for women
Locally-managed ecosystems
CNVP focuses on building a greener economic environment. It uses evidence-based analysis to improve the sustainable livelihoods of rural communities and civil society affected by the ongoing process of environmental and climate change.
CNVP's objective is to assist key stakeholders and partners in the public, private and civil society sectors at central and decentralised levels to strengthen their technical capacity to design and implement agri-rural development policy, projects and programmes at national, cross-boder and regional levels, incorporate innovative ideas into decision-making processes; and to ensure the financial sustainability of all development activities.
CNVP is currently active in Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. In addition to the Balkans, CNVP is looking to work elsewhere in the European neighbourhood space, particularly in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Turkey.