My name is Kantuta Conde. I am an Aymara woman from the Plurinational State of Bolivia. I advocate indigenous peoples' rights, particularly for the rights for indigenous women and youth. I have advoked the indigenous young perspective, as a member of the LAC Network of Indigenous Youth or Red de Jóvenes Indígenas de Latino America y el Caribe (RED-LAC or RJI) in UN mechanism such as the UNPFII, the biggest UN meeting of global indigenous peoples. The RED-LAC is a regional platform of indigenous youth that promotes indigenous youth participation in decision-making processes at the national, regional and international levels. Currently, I am Focal Point of the Global Indigenous Youth Caucus for the LAC region (GIYC).
I am a law student in the Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM), the most prestigious university in Latin America and the Caribbean. I have also participated in the 2021 International Summer Program on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Policy in Columbia University. In addition, I write essays at the UNICEF platform “voices of youth” in English and Spanish, to promote an indigenous youth perspective in today’s issues. I also campaign for access to health for youth as a member of the Young Group for Health of the Pan American Health Organization. Currently, I am a member of the International Land Coalition Youth Committee where I promote indigenous land governance to combat climate change.