Member since: 2003
Working towards these commitments
Secure Tenure Rights
Secure territorial rights for Indigenous Peoples
Transparent and accessible information
Effective actions against land grabbing
Protected land rights defenders
KPA is built to fight for the realization of a fair agrarian system, and guarantee the balanced spread of agrarian resources for the Indonesian people; guarantee of ownership, mastery and the usage of agrarian sources for the peasant, angler and indigenous people; and also the quarantine of prosperity for the poor people.
Established in 1994, as the Consortium for Agrarian Reform, KPA promotes agrarian reform in Indonesia through advocacy and the strengthening of people's organizations. KPA's focus on land reform and tenurial security, and policy advocacy on these issues has put the coalition in the forefront of the land rights struggles of Indonesia's landless rural poor, especially with the indigenous peoples in several areas in Outer Java. KPA encourages a participatory and pluralistic approach which recognises the development of different systems of land use and tenure to ensure land rights. KPA is a people's movement that has an open minded and independent character.
KPA's objectives are various and diverse. They include to push agrarian policy reform at national and local levels, to favor the interest of small farmers, to guarantee the implementation of agrarian reform in Indonesia as well as the strengthening of people's organizations.
KPA's constituencies include the Indonesian people, particularly those from rural communities, peasants and indigenous peoples.