Member since: 2015
Working towards these commitments
Secure Tenure Rights
Secure territorial rights for Indigenous Peoples
Locally-managed ecosystems
Inclusive decision-making
The ICCA Consortium is an international association dedicated to promoting the appropriate recognition of and support to ICCAs (territories and areas conserved by indigenous peoples and local communities) in the regional, national and global arena. This purpose is set in the context of the broader vision of conserving biodiversity and ecological functions; nurturing the sustainable livelihoods and well-being of indigenous peoples and local communities; and achieving the full respect of their cultural diversity and individual and collective rights.
- To enhance the capacities of indigenous peoples, local communities and society.
- To facilitate exchange and consolidation of information, experiences and targeted research on the ecological, economic, livelihood, spiritual and cultural values of ICCAs and on appropriate options – including legal options – for their effective recognition and support.
- To consolidate and strengthen the appreciation of ICCAs in international policy, including policies for biodiversity conservation, climate change, food security, indigenous peoples, human rights and post-2015 Millennium Development Goals.
- To nurture the emergence of the ICCA Consortium as a local-to-global institution by establishing and/or strengthening institutional linkages and providing encouragement and support to Members, as appropriate.