The Generation Equality Forum is coming back 25 years after the "Beijing Conference" to reignite women and girls empowerment to counter the unaddressed and new challenges.
The Generation Equality Movement has formulated six Action Coalitions that will lay out solid, ambitious and immediate 5-year actions to deliver concrete and transformative results for women and girls across generations.
Kicking off in Mexico City, Mexico, on 29–31 March 2021, and culminating in Paris, France, in June 2021, the Forum will secure a set of concrete, ambitious, and transformative commitments to achieve immediate and irreversible progress towards gender equality.
Gender Equality Forum Official Website
What about women's land rights?
Despite ILC and key partners and members' efforts during initial debates, the proposal of having secure women's land rights as a separate Action Coalition was not accepted.
ILC members are more invested than ever with renewed energy to ensure that women's land rights are mainstreamed in the four agreed Action Coalitions.
How is ILC Integrating Women’s Land Rights in the Action Coalitions Plans?
A Global Women’s Land Rights Reference Group on Beijing Plus 25 has been formed to facilitate consultations among local grassroots groups and civil society organisations in Latin America & the Caribbean, Asia & Pacific, Africa, Europe, and the Middle East & North Africa, in order to harvest priorities that must be included in the five-year Transformative Actions.
Through elaborate consultations, ILC members have collectively agreed to engage with four (4) of the six Action Coalitions placing Technology and Innovation for Gender Equality as a cross-cutting action.

ILC members are asking to:
- Review and implement legal, and institutional frameworks and instruments to ensure that men, women, boys, and girls have equal control over land, natural resources, and other productive assets. This includes harmonization of customary and statutory land governance to ensure adherence to protection and promotion of secure land rights for women and girls.
- Invest in women and girls to acquire essential skills and tools to monitor and evaluate implementation of plans and laws to effectively challenge legal, social and cultural barriers that prevent women from securing their land rights.
- Invest in technical and entrepreneurial training for rural women, support collective farming, and improve access to agricultural credit and loans, marketing facilities and any other appropriate technology.
- Prioritize gendered analysis and disaggregated data on land holdings including community-driven data for effective planning, budgeting, and implementation of strategies that promote women’s secure land tenure paving the way for their economic empowerment
- Address distress migration caused by agrarian crisis, land acquisition and halt all large-scale investment and industrial enterprises that lead to loss of control over land and natural resources by women and girls and disfranchise women farmers.

ILC members are asking to:
- Guarantee that rural, indigenous and grassroots women are accorded with free prior informed consent in the event of use of land and natural resources in their territory
- Ensure that women and girls are fully prepared with appropriate Knowledge and technologies to halt and deal with the negative impacts of climate change and recurrent disasters.
- Urge and compel governments to blend indigenous and scientific knowledge into its adaptation and mitigation strategies that benefit women and document indigenous/traditional adaptation and mitigation strategies of women.
- Support the translation of available data on climate change particularly meteorological data into simple and usable formats and content for effective small scale holders.
- Raise awareness on gendered aspects of climate change; promote education and awareness on gender-sensitive climate change policies, and the nexus between land rights and climate change among state agents, farmers, water and forest user’s association and community members. Document, research and assess gender-specific climate-induced harms and their multi-layered relationships with women’s rights to land and natural resources.
- Monitor and evaluate global, regional, national, and local climate change practices and investments to minimize harm on women and girls and showcase how securing women’s land rights especially of rural and indigenous women and girls can contribute to reverse negative impacts of climate

ILC members are asking to:
- Correct, analyse and share widely disaggregated data related to gender-based violence associated with land grabbing and dis-inheritance from women and girls to inform policies and programs and facilitate secure their land tenure rights
- Bring sserious attention to the land rights of indigenous and rural women land right defenders
- Promote alternative dispute resolution mechanisms that embeds long term conflict resolutions in relation to land-based investment
- Establish and promote gender-responsive eviction and land transfer guidelines
- Mobilise men to be the drivers to strengthen women’s land rights and access to justice.

ILC members are asking to:
- Invest in strengthening existing and emerging women leadership initiatives particularly among those who work to protect women’s land rights
- Coordinate and galvanize the efforts of the WLRS actors towards effective synergies and partnerships to strengthen the movement and its leadership to continuously address women land rights.
- Facilitate capacity building among women leadership in rural and indigenous communities, development partners, private sector, and states to understand the nexus between secure tenure rights for women and girls and the economic justice, climate change, and gender-based violence
- Close the digital gender divide to enable women to effectively use digital technology to protect, maintain and advocate for their land rights