Coalition Council
ILC's Assembly of Members appoints a Council to act as the executive board of the ILC. It is responsible for the overall responsibilities of governance between meetings of the Assembly. The Council consists of a maximum of 19 member representatives. Its composition represents the diversity of ILC and reflects geographical balance, expertise, gender and diverse categories of members with particular attention to People’s Organisations. They are nominated by their regional and constituency caucuses and appointed at the recommendation of the Membership Committee by the AoM. The Council is co-chaired by one representative from a civil society organisation (as selected by the other civil society representatives) and one intergovernmental organisation which is the organisation hosting the Secretariat of the ILC.
Adamou Amadou
Adriano Campolina
FAO, Inter-governmental organisation
Altantuya Tseden-ish
Amina Amharech
EMENA & Global Council Representative for Indigenous Peoples Platform
Aymen Fridja, ICARDA
ICARDA, Inter-governmental organisation
[co-chair] Pallab Chakma
[co-chair] Pieternel M. Boogaard
IFAD, Inter-governmental organisation
Diana Fletschner
Landesa, Global civil society
Mariantonietta Iannella
Lentamente, Europe, Middle East, and North Africa
Mino Ramaroson
HUAIROU COMMISSION, Global civil society
Miriane Kizimini
YILAA, Youth
Motlanalo Lebepe
NKUZI, Africa
Omar Jerónimo
Nuevo Día, Latin America and the Caribbean Council & Steering Committee Member
Thai'r Fakhoury
ACAD, Europe, Middle East, and North Africa
Veronica Natalia Luna
PLURALES, Latin America and the Caribbean Council & Steering Committee Member
Victoria Stanley
World Bank, Inter-governmental organisation