Locally-managed ecosystems

91% of Indigenous Peoples' and local communities' lands and territories are in good or moderate ecological condition. And so as we come together to restore the world’s ecosystems, they already have the solutions that can safeguard the wellbeing of both people and the planet.


Policies changed



Practises changed




The evidence is unequivocal: when Indigenous Peoples and local communities have land rights, our ecosystems thrive.

Recognising and respecting Indigenous Peoples’ as well as other local communities’ land and territorial rights empowers these communities to play a central role in protecting critical ecosystems and ensuring land is managed sustainably.

Healthy ecosystems, in turn, are critical for absorbing carbon emissions, as well as promoting our planetary resilience against shocks while adapting to a changing climate.

Unlike colonial or ‘fortress conservation’ - the exclusive and enclosed restoration practices that still constitute the majority of the global conservation movement, and often undermine land rights of communities who have long been an integral part of local ecosystem management.

Who do you trust in healing our planet?

Our ecosystem heroes

Indigenous Peoples, pastoralists, local communities — ILC’s core constituents — are building resilience, driving change, and protecting ecosystems. They are our ecosystem heroes.

ILC partners with the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

The International Land Coalition is proud to announce its partnership with the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.

The Decade launched June 5th on World Environment Day and will run until 2030, just in time for the deadline of the Sustainable Development Goals. It aims to prevent, halt and reverse the degradation of ecosystems on every continent and in every ocean. 

As a supporting partner, we’re committed to ensuring that the voices of local communities and Indigenous Peoples are given a platform to share with the world their community-led restoration initiatives - agro-ecological practices, community-led forest and rangelands management.

More often than not, these sustainable practices are not recognised and hardly taken into account in policy and regulation. 


In 2021, ILC became a proud partner of the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration. Now we're here to help take the Decade one-step further as co-leads of challenge 5, teaming up to achieve the objectives set by the UN Decade up by 2030. Through the partnership, our aim is to restore land and resource rights to Indigenous Peoples and local communities.

Watch our challenge video


This action plan is a living document by the UN Decade partner network to collectively work towards the goals and vision of this UN Decade. Moving from strategy to action, this plan allows all existing and new partners to mobilize around key priority areas for restoration – including Restoration Challenge 5.

( PDF 2.0 MB )

Looking after lagoons in Ecuador

“Our appreciation for our land and water comes from our grandparents, they understand that this life source must be preserved" - María Elena Quimbiamba

Global and regional initiatives


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Locally-Managed Ecosystems in Asia


Locally managed ecosystems in Africa

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#6. Locally managed ecosystems #Kyrgyzstan


#Latin America & the Caribbean #National Land Coalitions #Indigenous Peoples #1. Secure tenure rights #2. Strong small-scale farming systems #5. Secure territorial rights for indigenous peoples #Argentina #Water management

Photo Essay

Dreaming of water in Argentina

15 November 2021

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Florin Torba_ National Federation of Communal Forests and Pastures of Albania

#Community Land Rights #Albania

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ILC Learning Hub

#Latin America & the Caribbean #Community Land Rights #Legal assistance, legal empowerment and access to justice #Mapping and land registration #ECOLEX

53 Sheep returned from grazing in the pasture during the day_MIRLAN ABDULAEV
ILC Asia

#Asia #Locally Managed Ecosystems #6. Locally managed ecosystems

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ILC Asia

#Asia #Locally Managed Ecosystems #6. Locally managed ecosystems #Cambodia #India #Indonesia #Kazakhstan #Kyrgyzstan #Mongolia #Philippines

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ILC Learning Hub

#Global #Community Land Rights #Legal assistance, legal empowerment and access to justice #NAMATI

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ILC Learning Hub

#Global #6. Locally managed ecosystems #Land policy and multi-stakeholder dialogue #Advocacy & campaigning #Mapping and land registration #Project design and implementation support #Establishment and strengthening of local institutions #Toolkits #Locally Managed Ecosystems #Community Land Rights #BIOS #AIPP #IWGIA #KAFLU #TRÓCAIRE #KRAPAVIS #IPDRS

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ILC Learning Hub

#Locally Managed Ecosystems #1. Secure tenure rights #3. Diverse tenure systems #6. Locally managed ecosystems #9. Effective actions against land grabbing #Briefs #WRI

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ILC Learning Hub

#Asia #Locally Managed Ecosystems #1. Secure tenure rights #6. Locally managed ecosystems #8. Transparent and accessible information

9 Grazing horses in the Kyrgyz jailoo_MIRLAN ABDULAEV
ILC Learning Hub

#Asia #6. Locally managed ecosystems #India #Indonesia #Kazakhstan #Kyrgyzstan #Mongolia #Philippines #Thailand #Briefs

ILC Learning Hub

#Asia #Locally Managed Ecosystems #Land policy and multi-stakeholder dialogue #Mapping and land registration #Project design and implementation support #6. Locally managed ecosystems #7. Inclusive decision-making #8. Transparent and accessible information #Kyrgyzstan #RDF

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ILC Learning Hub

#Asia #Locally Managed Ecosystems #Land monitoring, indicators and alternative reporting #Project design and implementation support #Advocacy & Campaigns #Biodiversity & Conservation #Land based financing #5. Secure territorial rights for indigenous peoples #6. Locally managed ecosystems #7. Inclusive decision-making #Philippines #XSF

ILC Learning Hub

#Asia #Community Land Rights #Indigenous Peoples #Establishment and strengthening of local institutions #3. Diverse tenure systems #5. Secure territorial rights for indigenous peoples #6. Locally managed ecosystems #India #IWGIA

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ILC Learning Hub

#Global #Locally Managed Ecosystems #Indigenous Peoples #3. Diverse tenure systems #5. Secure territorial rights for indigenous peoples #6. Locally managed ecosystems #Briefs